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italian home remedies

Mothers everywhere practice medicine of one kind or another without a license. Italian mothers use food as a remedy. Here are some Italian home remedies for common ailments which do not require a trip to the doctor but do require special attention. We have used them in our family for many years and found them to be successful for children and adults.

CONSTIPATION: Orange juice; cooked fruit such as boiled apricots or baked apples or pears with sugar; non-fat yogurt with fruit.

DIARRHEA: Eat plain mashed potatoes and/or plain boiled white rice and drink mineral water sparingly for 2 meals. The third meal can be plain white rice with a little lemon juice and/or olive oil added. For dessert, eat mashed bananas with lemon juice.

HICCUPS: One teaspoon of sugar bathed in some juice from a freshly squeezed lemon.

SLIGHT INDIGESTION: (you feel uncomfortable after eating): Sage Tea - fill a stainless steel tea ball with fresh or dried sage leaves and set it in a cup or a teapot. Boil water in the tea kettle. Pour the hot water over the dried sage leaves. Let seep for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the tea ball and drink the infusion. You may wish to add some sugar.

TOTAL INDIGESTION (after vomiting): 1) sparkling water, 7-Up or Ginger Ale; 2) warm, not hot tea with sugar; 3) plain boiled white rice; 4) plain boiled white rice with olive oil and Parmesan Cheese or Pastina in chicken broth with Parmesan cheese.

INSOMNIA: Get ready for bed. Put on your pajamas and set the alarm clock. Then sit down for a nice hot cup of camomile tea.

Of course, if any of these symptoms persist you should consult your doctor to find the cause.


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